The Phantom's Debut

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My Life in Words, Page 5

A Lonesome Yet Perfect Tear

Bright eyes and sparkling smiles
No tears in sight
She looks so perfect
No flaw can be seen
But wait, what is this?
A lonesome yet perfect tear.
She smiles to hide it,
With the excuse. "I have something in m eye."
I see the pain within her eyes
An the sparkling smile is dull.
Instead of the perfect person shes suppose to be
She's really not that perfect at all.
Every night her tears flow swiftly
She wonders why shes loved.
She knows what they think
But doesn't care anymore
She cries another lonesome yet perfect tear
Then another and another
The cameras catch it all.
She lives a life of dispare and lies
She hides her face and runs away
She doesn't even know why
So many tears fall that night
And finally everyone realizes
She's not perfect
Another lonesome yet perfect tear falls with pain
She doesn't care and gives it all up right here
She sheds one last lonesome tear
This time it isn't perfect.


We all cry the same tears
Talk the same talk
So whats so different about us?
You are popular
You are a goth
You are a loner
You are everything I'm not
Whey is that we are so different?
We are all humans on this planet
See we are all the same in the end
Just others are a little more unique and free
we all smile
We all laugh
We all cry
We all die
So why do we act so different?
Why can't we get along?
Why cant you see past the differences
And actually see
We're all...



She closes her eyes to her imperfections
But even if blind she sees them
Shes all alone and no one sees her tears.

She cries her lonesome tears
She worries her lonesome fears
She wonder what it would be like
If she wasnt perfect in their eyes.

She looks at her self in the mirror
Yet only sees pain and flaws
She doesn't care anymore
The pain is taking over.

She cries her lonesome tears
She worries her lonesome fears
She wonders what it would be like
If she wasnt even here.

She screams loud and long
She know no one hears her
She think theres no way
So she ends her pain

She use to cry because she wasnt perfect
She use to scream from the pain
She knew the damage the razors would cause
But she doesnt care


the life of an unknown becomes revealed