The Phantom's Debut

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My Life in Words, Page 4

A Thousand

If I could die a thousand deaths,
I would sleep eternally.
If I could cry a thousand tears,
I would be dry and tired.
If I could scream a thousand screams,
I would have no voice at all.
If I could cut a thousand cuts,
I would lie and bleed.
If I could lie a thousand lies,
I would live in hypocrisy.
If I could live a thousand lives,
I would pick only mine.
If I could fly a thousand flights,
I would become a bird.
If I could, if I would,
Would I reallly in the end?
Thousands and thousands
I'll live and die.
If I could...a thousand...
Would I?

The Edge

I am standing on the edge counting my thoughts
Tears dry upon my damp face
The salty sea crashing upon the rocks about me makes my knees weak and pricks my skin like thousands of needles.
I step closer to the edge to look upon my death
The jagged rocks look appealing
I spread my arms out wide and forget the pain around me
I fall into the rocks of pity and dispare
I leave the pain behind only to begin another life of more pain
And more chaos
For eternity forevermore.

I Don't Know
Jesus loves me, yea I know
That Bible there tells me so
I've heard His love and read it too,
But I really don't know what to do.
Should I sing?
Should I cry?
Should I shout, or sit, or die?

God is there, I know that too
I feel His presence upone me.
I've heard His love and read it too,
But I really don't know what to do.
Should I praise?
Should I love?
Should I care, or frown, or smile?

The Holy Spirit comes upone me
I had it once before.
I've hear His love and read it too,
But I really don't know what to do.
Should I pray?
Should I forgive?
Should I wonder, or feel, or give?

I have friends I know that too
They've always been there for me.
I've hear their love and read it too,
But I really don't know what to do.

I know they're there
But I can't feel anymore
And confused and alone
And forgotten and abused.
Now what should I do?

the life of an unknown becomes revealed