The Phantom's Debut

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My Life In Words, Page 1


I feel like crying alone in my room
I feel like death is the only way out of this doom
I feel like no one really cares
I feel like there's no one there

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

I'm useless on the inside
In the same place I've already died
I'm alone and invisible
I'm bland and even dull

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until my tears at least cease and I regain my sight

They never notice until I cry
Cry as much rain from the sky
The tears never cease and the pain is so great
I feel like I'm fish bait

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

I'm dangling on a string
I'm holding onto the edge of the wing
I'm falling freely into pain and despair
The very essence makes my heart tear

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

Forgive me now
I really don't know how
I must give up and leave this place
You can see the pain in my face.

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

Don't hold this against my soul
My happiness was stole
Taken from my very grasp
It ran away too fast

I want to die
Sulk and cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

I'm sorry for the pain I've caused
I can't tell who I was
My life is lost, forgotten once more
Don't try to save me I've already ran out the door

I want to die
Sulk and Cry
Until someone holds me tight
Until the tears at least cease and I regain my sight

Forgive me friends
I had to send
This message of grief and tears
I know the only way to relieve the fears

I must die
Sulk and cry
No one's there to hold me tight
The tears won't cease and I can't regain my sight

I'm sorry

Fallen Rose Petals

Life the fallen petals of a wilted rose and fallen upon the frosted ground
My life is dead
I envy the petals because even in the end
My death will be more painful than any of those around me
I am as dead and wilted as a rose from the past
No one remembers me
I've died a thousand deaths
And will continue until I vanish completely
Soon enough I will vanish and no one will notice
I will finally live in peace and tranquility
Alone in my death-bed,
covered with fallen rose petals


I'm really not here,
You just think I am
I really don't exist
I'm just a figment of your imagination
Someone or something
You could have never imagined existed
I'm the problems in your life you can never get rid of
I'm the worries that keep you up late wondering about
No matter what you try to do you'll never get rid of me
No matter what you do
I'll never leave
I'm the sorrow in your heart
I'm the things that make you cry
I'm the things that make you scream
I'm the fear you hide from
I'm the things that make you shutter
As I said before
I'm really not here
I do not exist
You just think I do
This is where I end my thoughts
And maybe you'll figure out
I'm not really here
I'm nothing at all.

No More Lies

Life is never fair thats no lie
Theres really no answer why
We choose to make the mistakes we make
Those mistakes can make the ground quake.

Seriously, theres a better way
Theres a brand new day
Theres a friend who's there
Theres a friend who cares
Seriously, theres a better way

Feelings can really hurt you inside
They don't like it when you hide
They find you in the darkest place
They see every part of your face.

Theres always someone there who cares
Whether or not you know Hes there
To listen when your problems need heard
Who wont tell anyone else a word.

Seriously, theres a better way
Theres a brand new day
Theres a friend who's there
Theres a friend who cares
Seriously, theres a better way

When you think theres no other way
When you think theres no new day
When you feel theres no one there
Know theres one who dares to care.

Jesus Christ is there as a friend
His loving father is the one who sent Him.
Jesus Christ died on the cross for the cure
So that you could be pure

Seriously, theres a better way
Theres a brand new day
Theres a friend who's there
Theres a friend who cares
Seriously, theres a better way

When you find your way to Him
You'll never stand on the rim
Of the life and death anymore
You'll be alive and love with a mighty roar

Theres a better way
Theres a friend who cares
Jesus Christ is there thats no lie

"In repentance and rest of your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15

To A Writer

To a writer another blank page is like a water color sunrise.

To a writer another blank page is like a lightly clouded gray skyline seconds from turning into an F5 tornado.

To a writer another blank page is like a love story torn in two by a secret affair.

To a writer another blank page is like a child's first footsteps into their golden years of adulthood.

To a writer another blank page is like the hearts of tewo lovers ragged by distance and dismay.

To a writer another blank page is like the sunset's kisses of color and light before the starry darkness of nightfall.

To a writer another blank page is like sitting on a blanket of dewy grass staring at the Milky Way above.

To a writer another blank page, another blank page is the start of a new beginning.

Not Always Right

You asked me a questions and I answered you, dear.
You asked me again and I answered once more.
Then you said answer from your heart and not a book.
I shed one tear with the words I don't know
Then you answered, Thats what I wanted to hear

Small drop of water

The Power of the Mind

I sit around an empty room but there is much to see
I sing a song, a song so soft only for me
The song says why do children sing so soft or is it only me?
Many things cross my mind, please join me and think
Why do I see smiles in some eyes and tears in another?
Why are we all in fear when we all stand together?
If you're in an empty room please just look around
If you look hard enough you will see what I see
You'll see the songs, the smiles, and the tears,
Then you'll imagine a whole new world
Again I sit in a room full of life and listen to others speak
Speak a speech, a speech to loud many can hear
Then I see the eyes with smiles, and we all stood together
Now and forever I shall see them all plus more
If you look you will see and understand once more.

the life of an unknown becomes revealed